Thursday 12 May 2016

Maharshi Bhaarati


The world we see around us is just a collection of sense-input only, which is made to look like a life and its events. This function is known by the name of the mind.
Mind is not any visible organ like heart or lung; but still exists like a ghost and creates havoc without a break.
Mind always misinterprets Reality and presents us a solid world of people and objects.
It never for a moment is silent. It survives on anxiety and wants.
It is like the idiot deer which run after the mirage-river and burn in the hot sands.
Every man is a slave to this idiotic mind, which is expertized in telling lies only.
Mind is another name for a liar.
It misinterprets Reality.
This Reality is referred to by the term Brahman in Upanishads.
Brahman means the Reality-state which has expanded as this world-view.
World is a rainbow produced by the dusty mind using the sun-light of Brahman.

To understand the Reality, you have to get control over the mind-mechanism. You have to see that it remains silent and free of thoughts, so you can have a glimpse of Reality.

Of course Reality-state cannot be seen or entered; but can only be experienced when there is no experiencer at all.
Reality state of Brahman is not a God-entity.
You cannot worship or propitiate it like a deity.
Reality-state has no mind, or intellect; but it stays as all the minds and intellects of any world anywhere.
Reality-state is not an inert thing or a conscious entity; but it stays as all the inert objects and conscious entities of any world anywhere.
Reality-state has no name or form.
It cannot be thought about by the mind; it cannot be understood by the intellect; it cannot be perceived by the senses.
It is the essence of Knowledge as all.
It is the essence of all that exists as the perceived world.
It can be realized only when the mind-functions are transcended.
Upanishads refer to it as Brahman, that which is all this.
Bharati refers to it as Parashivam – the supremely auspicious state.
It is auspicious because it is not corrupted by the inauspicious thought process.

Bharati refers to the power of this Reality to exist as the world as ParaaShakti, the Supreme power of Parashivam state.
The word Shivam of Parashivam does not refer to God Shiva; and the word ParaaShakti does not refer to Shiva’s spouse Paarvati.

Reality is not a god-entity or a trance state or something outside of you that you can search for it in the caves of Himalayas like hunting for a treasure.
It is here, now as you reading these very words written here.
It is you, the reading and also the words.
It is undivided.
To realize it means to stay as the undivided reality state in supreme silence even amidst the noisy sense created world.
Bharati always was in that silent state even as his life boat struggled across storms and floods bringing about endless difficulties.
Bharati was well versed in Sanskrit; had studied the Upanishads, Geetaa, had done a lot of research on these texts and was a Rishi in modern costumes
One should raise above all religious beliefs and superstition to understand Bharati’s concepts. 
He is a mountain of knowledge. 
You cannot gauge him with an ant-brain, based on limited wisdom.
His poems are no less than any Upanishads, if and only you understand the concealed meanings of his wonderful Vedantic poems.

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