Friday 13 May 2016

(1) Prose works of Bharatiyar



Bharati was a realized Sage.
He did not don a saffron cloth; he did not live inside a cave. He did not have crowd of disciples. He did not give lectures on platforms; nor did he do produce gold and ashes in his hand to attract people.
He just realized the Self as if it was a natural thing to do for any human with thinking capacity.
He knew many languages; had studied all that could be read whatever he could reach out for. Rice and grains might not be found in the kitchen on a daily basis; but books and papers were scattered all over his house like diamonds of immense value.
Bharati had faith in Vedas; in scriptures; in himself.
What he studied just became part of his own ‘Knowledge-Self’.
If he just uttered ‘AHAM BRAHMAASMI’ (I am Brahman) he was already ‘BRAHMAASMI’ (I am Brahman) without any contemplation process as such.
What Saadhana do you need to remember your forgotten self?
Where do you search for the Self outside yourself?
Bharati realized the Self, the moment he uttered AHAM BRAHMAASMI!
His thoughts were true; not like the thoughts of ordinary men.
Scriptures talk of noble souls descending down to earth for a revival of Dharma; Bharati must indeed be a noble being who came down on earth from a higher world just to change the thinking pattern of his country.
Love, patriotism, women’s right, philosophy, Tamil- all took a new life with his arrival on earth.
His knowledge level was far beyond the ordinary human level.

When he knew he was Brahman, he could not identify with his mortal coil; he talked always from the Brahman level. He would not pretend to be ordinary or compromise with the world stupidity. He was what he was; a great store-house of knowledge, imagination and courage. No matter what others thought of him, he stuck to his identity of the Higher Self. He always talked, lived in that level.

For him, there were only two things that were to be dealt with – Unmanifest Brahman and manifest Brahman –Brahman or Chit which remained without perceptions and Chit which remained with perceptions. He called the Chit with perceptions as Shakti- the Supreme power of Brahman, Mother Supreme – ParaaShakti.
How can you reach the Chit hiding behind this perceived world?
Only through the perceived world; the visible Mother who was all around cuddling all of us to her bosom; as the perceived.
What does it matter if Mother was there as the white Himalayan Mountains or as the dilapidated house he lived in the utter poverty level! Mother is Mother.
He reached ‘That Brahman’ through ‘This Mother’ all around him. How to do that?

Through his simple prose-articles which start like ordinary sentences, he starts describing the ordinary scenes of the world in front of him; slowly climbs through the ladder of imagination to the Supreme beyond the words and thoughts. No; he did not enter trance state by such Self-states; rather like Krishna or Rama he completely involved himself in rising others from their ignorant level.
With a wife who could not ever grasp the greatness of his personality, in a community which ridiculed him as an eccentric insane character, in a country which was struggling to free from the iron chains of slavery, he as a JeevanMukta worked hard for improving the thinking level of the society. He was proud be an Indian and donned a turban as a mark of his superiority as a child of Mother Bhaarata. He never bent his head down in any trying circumstances.
If he was in trouble, he ordered or prayed to his ParaaShakti, the manifest Brahman to solve the day to day problems; and of course ParaaShakti obeyed his commands. Was he not her very essence, the Supreme Brahman!?

In this section – all the articles are based on the truths of Vedas simplified to the most common level.
Sun – MITRA, Wind- VAAYU, Water – VARUNA, Fire- AGNI, - all are Deities propitiated in Vedas.
And of course they are all various forms of Manifest Brahman – SHAKTI, according to Bharati.
So thus he starts his article- a mixture of Vedas, Upanishads, imaginations, and day to day ordinary scenes -

“In the ocean of Shakti, Sun is just a water bubble….

பாரதித் திருவடி போற்றி

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